Fiscal highlights

Fiscal optimisation through our role as withholding agent.

Fiscal Agent services

The Fiduciary Company's intervention does not alter the customer "fiscal situation" in relation to the asset under control. Transfers of financial instruments from the client to the Fiduciary Company and vice versa are not subject to any taxation (as they do not entail an actual transfer of property but only a modification of the registration of securities).

Where permitted by our regulations, the Fiduciary Company can act as a withholding agent, simplifying the fulfilment of tax obligations and protecting, within the permitted limits, the customer's confidentiality.

Fiscal agent services for foreign investments

By acting as fiscal agent, Siref Fiduciaria releases the customer from the obligations to include financial assets held abroad and their revenues in its declaration.

An opportunity to enjoy the benefits of investment diversification, avoiding the complexity and costs of tax compliance.

Mandate of fiduciary administration without registration

This instrument makes it possible to benefit from tax simplification for foreign investments, allowing the customer to retain ownership of these and to directly exercise the relative rights.

This kind of service is useful for managing both financial and real estate investments, as well as corporate shareholdings.